Några ord till ryska stater

Tillbaka i St Petersburg för andra gången på några veckor. Förra gången handlade det om Helcom och kampen för att göra Östersjön frisk igen. Den här gången står kultur på schemat och på inbjudan av ryska federationsrådets ordförande Valentina Matvienko fick jag möjlighet att tala för BSPC:s medlemsländer inför de så kallade oberoende staterna (CIS) som är ett slags motsvarighet till vårt eget EU. På plats är alla de gamla sovjetrepublikerna plus några gäster, till exempel Afghanistans talman Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi som hade taltur före mig i det väldiga Tavrichesky palatset där CIS har sitt högkvarter. Här kan man läsa mer om arbetet inom BSPC.

Det har varit många intryck och mycket makt på liten yta. Därför är det extra viktigt att lyfta vårt åländska exempel i en vardag som präglas av osäkerhet och misstänksamhet. Talet löd ungefär så här:

Honourable Chair, esteemed colleagues, excellences, ladies and gentlemen,

on behalf of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to address the 47th Plenary Session of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations here in St. Petersburg.

The BSPC, consisting of 22 parliaments and 5 parliamentary organisations around the Baltic Sea, was founded in 1991 with the primary goal of creating a platform for open parliamentary dialogue to the Baltic Sea as a sea of freedom, prosperity and cooperation.

My homeland, the Åland Islands in the middle of the Baltic Sea, are particularly aware of the need for and committed to international parliamentary cooperation because of our history with Sweden, Russia and Finland. Thanks to international agreements nearly a hundred years ago, we today have guaranteed, neutralised and demilitarised autonomy in the Baltic Sea; Åland is known as ‘the islands of peace’. We hope to inspire others with our history of peace-making in practice.

We must strengthen interparliamentary cooperation as well as the influence of parliaments. We are the voice of the people. Their common will is of crucial importance in order to look for answers to international challenges such as the threats posed by terrorism which you were intensively discussing one year ago in this hall at your 25th anniversary.

We parliamentarians as representatives of the citizens in our countries need to continuously work on deepening dialogue between countries. We also have to find compromises and cooperation related to the democratic values to face future international challenges and possibilities.

We see the need for cooperation not only in the Baltic Sea area but also beyond. Peace, love and understanding are the foundations upon which civilisation is created. Culture is an important part in this and something we want to embrace.

We have underlined in our resolution that we want to intensify the cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region, including the Northern Dimension, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of the North West Federal District of Russia.

Your Assembly focuses in this year especially on the field of culture and cultural heritage. This policy area is also particularly suitable for interparliamentary cooperation.

For the BSPC, this is an important policy field. The Baltic Sea Region has an diverse and attractive cultural life and a cultural heritage of great value. We see the necessity of a strong parliamentary support and involvement in the Cultural dialogue. Therefore, we have had a Rapporteur on Cultural Affairs for years who has followed developments in this area and reported to the conference in recent years. Last year’s report focuses on the importance of cultural heritage, also with a view to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. In order to encourage culture the internet in general and for example esport is a very powerful tool and something that in fact crosses borders.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference in Åland will offer dialogue, debate, solutions, friendship and a strong will to increase cooperation and prosperity in the region.

The main themes of our conference will be cooperation, maritime policy and sustainable energy.

We will also include the young generation in our deliberations and give them the opportunity to discuss their recommendations on the United Nations 2030 development goals which they will elaborate one week before at a youth summit called ReGeneration 2030.

Ladies and gentlemen,

my home are called the Islands of Peace, and we want the whole of the Baltic Sea (and the rest of the world) to follow our example: for the benefit of hope and the never-ending search for a better life.

Mme Chair Matvienko, you and further representatives of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations

are welcome to participate!

Thank you for your attention.

På plats i talarstolen.
Åland är ett utmärkt exempel på krishantering, lyfter jag alltid fram.

På plats tillsammans med finländska kolleger. Från vänster undertecknad, BSPC:s generalsekreterare Bodo Bahr, finländska sekreteraren Mika Laaksonen och riksdagsledamoten Kari Kulmala samt generalsekreteraren Roberto Montella.

Redo for action.

Det är noga med alla namn på en plats som denna.

Plenisalen var fylld till alla platser.

Förstår inte riktigt allt men den här brickan öppnar massor med dörrar.

Handelsresande i demokrati på plats i St Petersburg.

Pampigt palats.


Populära inlägg