Tack och full fart fram

Vid gårdagens BSPC-konferens var det också dags att säga tack för det som varit och nu ökar vi takten. Det var extremt hög klass på såväl tal som debatt och innehåll, hela Östersjön till fromma. För egen del valde jag följande ord:
Dear Chair, Colleagues, friends,

Let me start with thanking our Hosts and the Organisers of this Silver Jubilee Conference in Riga. Yesterday we could witness how determination, an enthusiast and hard work did turn a potato-storage and a basketball-venue into a beautiful Castle. We also realised how wonderful water and music and people mix. Thank you for an unforgettable experience and a delicous dinner and sightseeing in the Rundale Castle yesterday.

The Baltic Sea is our common castle and something we constantly need to guard and protect and develop. That is not an easy task. We are millions and millions of people who enjoy and survive thanks to the Baltic Sea. We do not speak the same language and we do not share the common culture and our daily lives are different. Yet we are all dependent on the Baltic Sea and therefore share a common ground. Thats why the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference started in 1991 – to take care of our common Castle.

Since the first Conference in Helsinki, on the initiative of the Speaker of the Finnish Parliament Mr Kalevi Sorsa, the BSPC have played an important role as a platform for political discussions throughout the Baltic Sea Area. Words are vital and they make a difference and the debate must never stop. Challenges over the years have made us stronger and more determined to work together which has been highlighted very clearly in the presentations we have listened to today.

During our meetings within BSPC we have open discussions also regarding difficult questions. This is important among friends and also among neighbours in order to build a prosperous and peaceful society. By talking we learn to understand each other and it takes many villages to save a sea.
I believe, when I see the strength in the organisation and the genuine interest of the participating politicians, civil servants, experts and friends, that the importance of our organisation will increase. That has been highlighted in Riga. Congratulations to an inspiring day, great and influential speakers, inspiring content and a genuine will to move forward together. It takes all hands on deck in order to manouver a ship and even more to build and preserve a Castle. Together we have the power to tackle environmental threats, economic development, refugees, education, Labour Market, Crisis and so on. The combination people and water is a great concept. Together we can achieve something, divided we achive nothing.
Så här kan det se ut när man talar på Östersjökonferensen. Foto: Annette Holmberg-Jansson.


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