The Games are in full bloom
Gotland är platsen för årets öspel, NatWest Island Games. Här är tusentals idrottskvinnor och -män i full färd med att försöka vinna medaljer för sina hemöar. Stämningen är magisk och optimismen påtaglig. Gårdagens öppningsceremoni var en uppvisning i effektivitet, känsla och en urstark tro på den framtid vi alla delar. I egenskap av ordförande för International Island Games Association hade jag äran att tala under invigningen, orden föll som följer. (Only in English.)
Gotland is the place för NatWest Island Games 2017. Thousands of competitors are here in order to win medals for their islands. It is magic and optimistic. The opening Ceremony yesterday was a performance in efficiency, strong feelings and a belief in the future we share. Here is the address from the International Island Games Association.
County Governor, County Major, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, fellow islanders, friends.
At the end of the day there are two things that must always be remembered. The first is to love what you do and who you are. The other is to always move forward, to stretch yourself beyond where you were yesterday. The NatWest Island Games is passion and challenge and a firm belief in great times to come.
Sport is like travelling. You discover the world and you challenge yourself in your endeavors to reach your full potential. You want more from yourself and you want more from life and you are prepared to work hard. You seek places you have not seen before.
Well done to all of you! You are here because you have tried and trained harder than others. That makes you important role models and an inspiration to your fellow islanders. You are standing in the beautiful island of Gotland in order to achieve even more. So does your friends around you. They are all here for the same reasons. We are all here for that. We want development. We want success. We want friendship. We want more. And by being here you have proved that you have what it takes. We are travelers.
- You have travelled here and you want to go further.
- You are living proof that hard work pays off.
- You are all winners.
The NatWest Island Games started in Isle of Man 1985. This is the seventeenth time we gather and celebrate a week that will be filled with magic. Our Games has made a difference. Together we have strengthened the sporting life within the islands. But even more important, the NatWest Island Games has made people and societies grow together. That is what happens in competition, we challenge and encourage each other. We are the friendly Games and we will never forget that.
Make sure to meet new friends during the week to come. Results are important but friendship even more so. Everyone can be a winner but there are more to life than that. We want you to prove that you have what it takes to become a friend.
NatWest Island Games bring islands and islanders together in international competition. The Games could not happen without your efforts. Thank you for being here, do your best and enjoy the Games!
I hereby, on behalf of the International Island Games Association, invite the County Governor of Gotland, madame Cecilia Schelin Seidegård to officially open the NatWest Island Games XVII in Gotland.
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